Meet and Greet The Indonesian Teacher Bloggers #2

My first day in Jakarta..

================ My 2nd day..================== I am! At 4th floor of Indosat building, where Kopdar Akbar of KSGN is going on.  I am with all audiences from many regions and communities, gathering to have fun and celebrate the 1st anniversary of KSGN. The audiences are from Kompasiana, Kumpulan emak blogger, Warung blogger, Relawan TIK Bandung, Blogger Cirebon, HomeTIK Garut, Komunitas Blogger UNJ, Komunitas Guru KKPI dan TIK, Komunitas Blogger Indramayu, and some representation of Palembang’s Bloggers and many more..

You know.. this program is powered by Indosat, Qword and some sponsorships that I can’t mention.

Opening the program, the two “gokil” host.. they are Ivan and Ms Meti (one of Emak Bloggers) presenting the program very well and fun.

Host: Ivan and Mety

Then, Pak Namin AB Ibnu Solihin, as the chief of this program, and Om Jay as founder KSGN give their greetings to us. Followed by Pak Bhayu Sulistyawan leads the prayer so that this program runs well.. 😀

 Namin AB on stage

 Wijaya Kusumah, founder of KSGN

 Bhayu Sulistyawan leads the prayer

Ms Ghina Aliya from Indosat, would be the next speaker! Beginning her presentation, Ms Ghina explains about someone’s personality based on the smartphone they used. It means that the Apple users personality have many differences than Samsung’s users, Nokia’s and the others. You may see this URL to get more info about this.. 🙂

 Ms Ghina Aliya on stage

Then she introduces us to an Icity Forum Community, a new IT forum that has a crowdsourcing solutions. It means that an Icity Forum Community has a bank solution that can help us to solve IT problems. For further info you can go to this url .. 🙂

And.. the next session is a talk show with the inspiring bloggers moderated by Pak Namin. They are, Dedi Dwitagama, M. Subakri and Me. At this moment, we are sharing our blogging experiences to all audiences.

Panitian dan Pendukung Acara

The first speaker goes to Pak Dedi Dwitagama. He motivates the audiences by sharing the benefits of blogging and his great blogging experiences.

Dedi Dwitagama on stage

And..I, as the 2nd speaker! This is my time to share about my blogging experiences, how to stay motivated in blogging and keep my blog alive.. fresh and up to date.

I’m starting to deliver my presentation by giving some questions to the audiences about my blog’s characteristics, their blogging motivation, and what they do to keep their blog fresh and up to date.

I…my self on stage

You know.. Almost all audiences have their personal blog. So..  I think that it will be something important to know whether they have known my blog well or not, to know their blogging motivation and how they maintenance their blog for now.

And.. as I guessed.. they answered my questions very well! So.. they can take my Moodle Book home 😉

The recipients of my moodle book 

Next.. Mr Subakri also shares his blogging experiences, mainly about how to educate his students not only using IT but also with heart. “Ayo Mendidik” is his Jargon! He creates some accessories related to the Jargon, such as “Ayo mendidik” jacket. He introduces his school where he teaches and shares about his students achievements.

M. Subakri on stage

=== After break…===

Imam Suwandi, a journalist from Metro TV delivers about Selfie Journalism. I think this session is so interesting! ‘Cause he teaches us how to create a report using a simple tool, such as handphone and selfie stick (tongsis). So, everybody can make a report as a journalist by using his own smartphone.. #ahay

Imam Suwandi on stage

Here is a kind of report taken by Imam Suwandi on “Kopdar Akbar KSGN Program” using smartphone and selfie stick.

Now, the most important session! it is Onno W. Purbo session.. He shares about his teaching experiences and how he blogs and creates many IT books from his blog posts. He also introduces us to his free e-learning that everybody can join his courses. You may jump to this URL to join and find his brilliant thoughts.

You know.. one thing that I always admire to him is his humility.. 🙂 #Salute

Onno W. Purbo and Me

The last session is the announcement of live blogging competition’s winner. To let you know that during this program, the audiences are also following a live blogging competition by reporting this “Kopdar Akbar Program” on their own blog and share it to social media, such as facebook or twitter. And now.. it is time for the host to announce the winners..

The winners are Didno. Bang Aswi, Rozan, Zannah Tambunan dan Farichatul Jannah. They get some souvenirs from KSGN and Indosat, such as Samsung and Nokia smartphone.. Wow!! Congratulation for all winners!! 😀

The winners of live blog competition

Now.. the program is ended and it’s time for me, Ms Neny and Mr Subakri go back to our habitat..he..he

Last but not least, I wanna say thank to Om Jay, Pak Namin, Mas Yulief, Pak Bhayu, and all teachers who join in Kopdar Akbar KSGN program. We all expect that this program will be continued on next year and we always keep in touch in the near future through KSGN facebook group and our blog..

See you next time.. bye.. 😀


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